
The BLOCKLORDS Marketplace is a significant component of the game, facilitating the expansion of your heroโ€™s capabilities and offering various options for asset management within the Web3 framework. Here's an overview of its features and functionalities:

  1. Hero Capability Expansion:

    • Enhancing the abilities and strengths of your heroes is a critical aspect of gameplay in BLOCKLORDS. The marketplace plays a key role in this process.

  2. Trading and Transferring On-Chain:

    • Players have the option to trade and transfer their heroes on-chain. This process is supported on both Immutable X and Polygon networks, providing flexibility and security in transactions.

  3. Web3 Integration and User Support:

  4. Buying and Selling Assets:

    • The marketplace is a hub for buying and selling various in-game assets, including heroes, equipment, and other valuable items.

  5. Importing and Exporting Heroes:

    • Players can import heroes from other games or platforms and export them for use outside of BLOCKLORDS, enhancing the gameโ€™s interoperability and player freedom.

  6. Supported Marketplaces:

    • BLOCKLORDS Market: The primary platform for all your BLOCKLORDS trading needs.

    • Token Trove: A marketplace that supports a variety of Web3 gaming assets.

    • Immutable Marketplace: Specializing in assets on the Immutable X network.

    • Opensea: One of the largest and most popular NFT marketplaces.

    • Magic Eden: A versatile platform for NFT trading, including BLOCKLORDS assets.

Last updated