$LRDS Vesting Schedule

Key Points

  1. Daily Unlocks: Unlike many tokens that unlock monthly, $LRDS has daily unlocks. This means that the supply increases gradually each day, rather than in large monthly increments. This approach aims to minimize price impact and ensure a stable growth in supply.

  2. Gradual Supply Increase: Over the next ten years, the supply of $LRDS will gradually increase. This long-term, daily vesting strategy is designed to provide a steady and predictable increase in token availability.

  3. No Large Unlocks: Contrary to some speculations, there will be no large unlock on August 24th or any other specific date. The daily vesting system ensures that supply changes are smooth and continuous, avoiding sudden market shocks.

Initial Supply and Current Status

  • Initial Supply: At launch, the initial supply of $LRDS was 8.45% of the total planned token issuance.

  • Current Supply: The current supply is below this initial percentage. This is due to several factors:

    • Users choosing to lock their tokens, reducing circulating supply.

    • Some investors and stakeholders have not yet claimed their tokens, further reducing the circulating supply.

    • While we do our best to keep the circulating numbers showing correctly on coinmarketcap and coingecko at all times, they use different systems that may at times cause discrepancies. To view the correct circulating supply number at all times, please refer to this link.

Benefits of the $LRDS Vesting Model

  • Predictable Growth: Investors and users can anticipate the growth in supply, making it easier to plan and strategize their investments.

Long-Term Commitment: The gradual unlocking process incentivizes long-term holding and commitment from investors, contributing to the token's stability and growth.

Last updated