Bridging LRDS

$LRDS Token Utility: Powering Gameplay in BLOCKLORDS Dynasty

With the integration of the $LRDS token, BLOCKLORDS Dynasty introduces exciting new and upcoming gameplay features. These utilities give players more control over their strategies and characters, offering deeper involvement in the game’s economy.

  • Hero Buffs: Players can use $LRDS to gain temporary buffs, which enhance their Heroes' strength in both duels and missions.

  • Mission & Buff Refresh: Players can refresh available missions and buff lists using $LRDS to keep their gameplay engaging and customizable.

  • Hero HP Recovery: Players can spend $LRDS to recover a Hero’s HP or restore the health of an entire Hero list, ensuring they can keep playing without waiting.

This new functionality ensures that $LRDS remains an essential in-game asset for optimizing strategies and advancing in BLOCKLORDS Dynasty.

Important Notices:

  1. In-game $LRDS tokens cannot be used directly for the game’s features. Players must withdraw their in-game $LRDS, obtain the actual token, and bridge it to the Base Network and then into BLOCKLORDS Dynasty.

Token Contract: 0xd0a6053f087e87a25dc60701ba6e663b1a548e85

More news on Bridging your $LRDS with the next Dynasty update!

Guide for Bridging LRDS from ETH Network to Base Network

This guide will walk you through the steps to bridge your LRDS tokens from the Ethereum (ETH) Network to the Base Network using Superbridge.

Step 1: Access the Bridge

  1. Open your web browser and go to Superbridge for Base Network.

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet

  1. Connect your wallet that is currently set to the ETH Network.

  2. Ensure you have sufficient ETH in your wallet to cover gas fees.

Step 3: Select the LRDS Token

  1. From the list of available tokens, select LRDS as the token you want to bridge.

Step 4: Set the Target Network

  1. Ensure that the Target Network is set to Base Network.

Step 5: Approve the Transaction

  1. After selecting LRDS and the target network, approve the transaction by clicking on the Approve button.

  2. Confirm the transaction in your wallet to allow the bridge to access your LRDS tokens.

Step 6: Deposit and Confirm

  1. Deposit the tokens by confirming the transaction in your wallet.

  2. Be patient, as the bridging process might take some time to complete.

Step 7: Wait for the Bridge to Complete

  1. After confirming, the bridge will transfer the LRDS tokens from the Ethereum Network to the Base Network. This process may take a while, so wait until the bridge completes. You can check your progress in the Activity tab.

Step 8: Get the Dynasty Wallet Address

  1. Once the bridge is complete, log in to the Dynasty Game to obtain the Dynasty wallet address. You can find this on your Profile page.

Last updated