
Meet the $LRDS Token


Ticker Symbol


Contract Address


Total Supply




BLOCKLORDS Tokenomics: Designed for Longevity and Sustainability

The tokenomics of BLOCKLORDS were crafted with a focus on long-term sustainability and value. The aim is to create a gaming utility token with genuine in-game utility and lasting value for ecosystem participants. $LRDS tokens have long vesting cycles and a 10-year release plan to reward active contributors and participants.

$LRDS Token Allocation

Strategic distribution of $LRDS tokens is essential for maintaining a balanced and thriving ecosystem. Here is a detailed breakdown of the total supply allocation:

  • 36% Community & Ecosystem: A significant portion is dedicated to community initiatives, game rewards, Gamedrops, LORDCHAIN incentives, and overall ecosystem growth, ensuring active participation and engagement from the outset.

  • 31% Investors: BLOCKLORDS Investors receive $LRDS for their contribution to BLOCKLORDS' development.

  • 10% Marketing: This allocation supports ongoing marketing efforts with premium partners to grow the BLOCKLORDS ecosystem and its games.

  • 10% Advisors: Advisors play a crucial role in guiding BLOCKLORDS, and this allocation ensures their expertise is recognized and valued.

  • 3% Liquidity: A portion is reserved to provide liquidity on exchanges, ensuring smooth trading and deep order books for $LRDS.

  • 10% Foundation Reserve: This allocation acts as a buffer to support future developments and address unforeseen challenges.


3 Million $LRDS is earmarked for BLOCKLORDS GameDrops, highlighting BLOCKLORDS' commitment to widespread token distribution and rewarding its most dedicated players.

$LRDS Token Vesting Schedule: Aligning Incentives

The vesting schedule for $LRDS tokens ensures that team and advisor incentives align with BLOCKLORDS' long-term goals. The 120-month vesting period builds trust and commitment within the community, tying token release to long-term milestones to foster a stable and dedicated team focused on sustained growth and innovation.

Introduction to $LRDS and Its Utility

What is $LRDS? $LRDS is the native token of the BLOCKLORDS universe, essential for both gameplay and governance. It rewards strategic gameplay, facilitates in-game transactions, and empowers players to influence the development of the BLOCKLORDS ecosystem.

Utility of $LRDS

  • Gameplay Rewards: Earned through strategic actions, such as resource management and battlefield tactics, $LRDS rewards smart gameplay.

  • In-Game Purchases: $LRDS can be used to purchase influence, which allows players to buy in-game items like season resource packs, exclusive Heroes, and time boosts, enhancing the gaming experience.

  • Governance Participation: Holding $LRDS enables players to participate in community voting, influencing game development and narrative decisions, ensuring a player-driven game evolution.

Benefits of Locking $LRDS

  • Influence Rewards: Earn continuous influence by locking $LRDS tokens.

  • Node Reward Program Eligibility: Locking $LRDS ensures participation in the LORDCHAIN Node Reward Program, offering exclusive rewards and benefits.

  • Enhanced Gameplay: Influence earned from locking $LRDS can be used to purchase in-game items, resource packs, and participate in limited-time events, enriching the gaming experience.

Last updated